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Never allow someone to dictate your actions without your permission ~ #ClemmzQuotes by @CleMMzForrester

Never allow someone to dictate your mood, thoughts and actions

or take you on their emotional roller-coaster


unless, of course


you want them to


#ClemmzQuotes (more…)

Fulfilling My Purpose & Potential ~#ClemmzQuotes by @CleMMzForrester

I have too little control over when I die for death to dominate my thoughts


Whether that day is today, tomorrow or 200 years from now…

All I’ve ever wanted to do and want to know at the end of this phase of my life is that…


I’ve found my purpose,

discovered what I’m best at,

maximised the unique skills, talent and characteristics God blessed me with,

Made a positive impact on as many lives and futures as possible



lived each day to its fullest


#CleMMzQuotes #CleMMzGemz


Copyright (2012) Clement Forrester
